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Ace Hardware Flag Disposal Locations Nearby

tattered american flag

Displaying a flag outside for all to see, where it will experience different temperatures and ever-changing weather, will result in a worn flag eventually – even the best flags.

With the average outdoor flag statistically only lasting about 90 days (Star Spangled Flags are not average), it is possible you will have at least a few old ones that are ripped, tattered, or in some other way worn out and damaged, ready for disposal by the end of the year.

With all the meaning it holds, it would be wrong to throw them in the trash. But few people know what to do with old American flags. What is the proper way to retire an American flag?

While it is not illegal, much of the younger generation does not realize the disrespect associated with throwing away an American flag. Or maybe you knew you shouldn’t toss it in the garbage, but didn’t know any other way to get rid of it. Well, we are here to show you where to properly dispose of an American flag at your local Ace Hardware American flag disposals.

How to Retire Your Flag (click the titles for more details)

Properly Disposing of a Tattered American Flag (Respectfully)

Several customers have asked us whether their local Ace Hardware will accept old or damaged American flags, so we created this page so that you can find a disposal location easily.

flag recycle

Donating your US flag to a Ace Hardware flag disposal box is the simplest flag disposal technique. To make it easier we have created a map below showing “American flag disposal Ace Hardware near me” where you will see a list of local Ace Hardware drop-off centers and depository boxes.

These Ace Hardware locations will gladly take your American flags to recycle or burn. They offer these services to ensure the flags get thrown away properly if others do not have the means to. Check inside or ask an associate where their flag drop box is and leave it in the donation container. This provides a quick and easy solution for those who are busy to make sure their old flags are taken care of properly.

Flag Disposal Ace Hardware Locations Near You

NOTE: Not all Ace Hardware stores provide flag retirement services. So please call ahead to make sure the location near you does. If not, see our local list of VFW and American Legion locations.

Replace Your Worn Out Flag

Flying a tattered American flag is just as disrespectful as throwing it in the garbage. Though some may not have the means to buy a new one, it is against etiquette to fly one that is worn out.

If you have the ability to purchase another (StarSpangledFlags.com provides coupons to help every month), respect all that it represents and hang one in pristine condition.

As an American, the flag symbolizes the history that provided us with the foundation for our country today. It is imperative to treat these emblems with respect and properly retire them with dignity.

With these four proper disposal options, there is no reason this symbol of freedom should be found in the trash. Browse our selection of durable American, State, Military and Historical flags.   

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