Gadsden flag
$54.97 $44.97 Add to cart

Gadsden flag

> 100% Made in USA with American labor and materials
> Scientifically treated to resist UV fading & look beautiful
> Sturdy and shiny brass grommets for flying
> Lock stitched (not chain stitched) to prevent unraveling
> Extra 4 rows of stitching on the fly end for durability


(14 customer reviews)
  • GTIN: 784672959834
Size(s) available:

3 by 5 foot



Gadsden flag, Made in USA

The Star Spangled Flags’ Gadsden flag is shown with a yellow field and depicts a coiled rattlesnake at the middle, ready to strike. Below the rattlesnake are the words: “DONT TREAD ON ME“. The rattlesnake symbol was first officially adopted by the Continental Congress in 1778 when it was approved for design for the official Seal if the War Office. This design of the War Office Seal was carried forward – with some minor modifications – into the subsequent designs for the War Department’s Seal, and the Department of the Army’s Seal, Emblem and Flag. As such, the rattlesnake symbol has been in continuous official use by the US Army for over 236 years.

All our Gadsden flags feature a bright white header, two brass grommets, lock stitches on the seams and 4 rows of stitching on the fly end, plus reinforced corners to prevent fraying. And as with all our flags, both materials and labor are 100% from here in the United States. Add it to your shopping cart today and show your patriotism!


This 3×5 nylon American made Gadsden flag is considered to be one of the first flags of the USA. It has been a symbol of American patriotism since the Revolution, and is often associated with both Libertarian and Tea Party movements. The Gadsden flag is named after Christopher Gadsden, an American general during the Revolution and the flag’s designer (1775).

In December 1775, Benjamin Franklin published an essay in the Pennsylvania Journal under the pseudonym American Guesser in which he suggested that the rattlesnake was a good symbol for the American spirit:

“I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids. She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders. She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarreling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenseless animal; and even when those weapons are shown and extended for her defense, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal. Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of stepping on her. Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?”

Consisting of a snake against a yellow background with the phrase “Don’t Tread on Me,” the Gadsden flag has become increasingly popular over the years, even being used by the Tea Party movement. Regardless of where you live, you’ve probably seen it displayed on residential lawns and properties.

Gadsden flag origins

The Gadsden flag has origins dating back to the American Revolution. When the original Thirteen Colonies were established, the rattlesnake was used to symbolize colonists’ will to defend themselves. Colonists recognized the threat of a British invasion, but that didn’t stop them from backing down. Like a rattlesnake, they would stand their stand ground and fight back if threatened.
Even publications from Benjamin Franklin contained references of the rattlesnake in regards to the historic Thirteen Colonies. In 1775, Franklin published the “Pennsylvania Journal,” in which he said that the rattlesnake was an appropriate symbol for the original Thirteen Colonies. With the nudge from Franklin’s publication, the Continental Congress officially adopted the rattlesnake symbol for its Seal of the War Office. It didn’t feature the same design as the Gadsden flag. Rather, the Seal of the War Office featured a rattlesnake with the phrase “This We’ll Defend.” Nonetheless, it helped pave the way for the modern-day Gadsden flag.

Cristopher Gadsden flag

The Gadsden flag receives its namesake from its designer, Christopher Gadsden. Christopher Gadsden was a politician and a military general during the American Revolution. He grew up in Charleston, South Carolina where he served in the army. During the American Revolution, Christopher Gadsden designed the modern-day Gadsden flag, which he proudly flew around his hometown of Charleston, South Carolina.
Christopher Gadsden came up with the design by taking inspiration from the First Navy Jack. The First Navy Jack flag featured the phrase “Don’t Tread on Me” with a rattlesnake. Rather than an all-yellow background, though, it has a background consisting of red and white horizontal stripes. The rattlesnake in the First Navy Jack was also uncoiled. The Gadsden flag, on the other hand, features a coiled rattlesnake in a strike position against an all-yellow background.
Even today, the Gadsden flag is commonly flown in Charleston, South Carolina to honor its designer, Christopher Gadsden. Several states, including South Carolina, have also adopted special license plates featuring the Gadsden flag.

Have you come across a yellow-colored flag featuring the phrase “Don’t Tread On Me?” Known as the Gadsden flag, it’s commonly displayed throughout the United States. The Gadsden flag has been around since the American Revolution. While originally used by the Continental Army, it’s since made its way into the homes of millions of Americans. What is the Gadsden flag exactly, and what does it symbolize?

Gadsden flag meaning

The meaning of the Gadsden flag, or Rattlesnake flag, is as a symbol of liberty and freedom from oppression. Like most historic flags, though, the Gadsden flag has a rich history behind its symbolism. To learn more about the Gadsden flag and how it came to be, keep reading.

Overview of the Gadsden Flag

The Gadsden flag is a historical flag featuring a coiled-up rattlesnake over the phrase “Don’t Tread On Me.” It’s set against an all-yellow background. Unlike with the American flag, it doesn’t feature any stars or stripes, nor does it feature a traditional red-white-blue color scheme. Rather, the Gadsden flag consists entirely of a rattlesnake and the aforementioned phrase against an all-yellow background.
It’s known as the “Gadsden flag” because it was designed by Christopher Gadsden. During the American Revolution, Gadsden served as a brigadier general for the Continental Army. Using scraps of fabric, he designed the Gadsden flag. In 1776, Gadsden provided the South Carolina Congress with a journal record of his flag. The journal record referred to the flag as having “a yellow field, with a lively representation of a rattlesnake in the middle in the attitude of going to strike and these words underneath, Don’t tread on me.”

Symbolism of the Gadsden Flag

Even if you’re familiar with the history of the Gadsden flag, you might be wondering what it symbolizes. The main focus of the Gadsden flag’s symbolism lies within its rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes were frequently found throughout the original Thirteen Colonies. Therefore, they’ve become synonymous with the country’s origins. Rattlesnakes, in fact, are similar to bald eagles in the sense that both animals are unique to the Americas. As a result, including the rattlesnake on the Gadsden flag symbolizes the United States.
Of course, the phrase “Don’t Tread On Me” is a meaningful and important element of the Gadsden flag as well. Rattlesnakes aren’t aggressive animals. They typically won’t attack humans or other large mammals unless threatened. This is similar to the early American colonists who wanted freedom and independence from Great Britain. They didn’t seek aggression, but they defended themselves when the British Army arrived during the American Revolution. Over time, the Gadsden flag has become associated with the Tea Party movement as well. Members of the Tea Party organization often display the Gadsden flag.

What does the Gadsden flag represent?

The Gadsden flag represents a time when America was in the process of fighting for its’ freedom and therefore a very important representation of American history. It is a wonderful symbol of our country’s strength and willpower leading to becoming the free and powerful country it is today. It has been a symbol of American patriotism since the Revolution and is often associated with both libertarianism and the Tea Party movement. It is a reminder to all: do not step on or take advantage of Americans or their retaliation will be swift!

What is the image on the Gadsden flag?

The Gadsden flag is a bright yellow flag with a coiled rattlesnake in the middle, ready to strike. Below the snake are the words: “Dont Tread On Me”.

What is the meaning of the Gadsden flag?

The Gadsden flag itself is a warning, just as is the frightening sound of a rattlesnake’s tail. As the enemy of the rattlesnake will suffer it’s vengeance if something is foolish enough to challenge it, so it will be with anyone who seeks to harm America.

Who designed the Gadsden flag and when was it created?

The Gadsden flag was created by Christopher Gadsden in 1775 during the American Revolution, where he was an American statesman and general. He felt it was especially important for the commodore to have a distinctive personal standard, so he made a copy of this flag and submitted the design to the Provincial Congress in Charleston, South Carolina. Currently, there are a few variations of this flag but the message remains the same. It was first used by the Continental Marines as well as the Moultrie Flag.

Why fly the Gadsden flag, and, when and how should it be flown?

The Gadsden flag is not an “official” military flag but an historic flag and you may fly it any time you want. It may be flown by itself, under the American flag or beside the American flag on a separate pole. If you fly them side by side, the American flag should be on its own right (on the left as seen by an observer). Many citizens choose to fly this flag because the meaning of “Don’t Tread On Me” is unmistakable; you mess with America, we will strike!

Where may I buy a Gadsden flag for sale?

For a 100% American made Gadsden flag, order from us here at Star Spangled Flags! We also have a 100% money back guarantee. Our flags are treated to dry fast & resist sun & chemical deterioration so the colors stay strong against ultraviolet rays in the bright sunshine. We use a heavyweight nylon material and superior lock stitching, and have 4 rows of lock stitching to the fly end of the flag to prevent unraveling & fraying thus improving its lifespan.

14 reviews for Gadsden flag

  1. John S.
    April 19, 2024
    Flag color
    The color seemed a little off. More of a gold color than yellow.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Jeff W.
    April 19, 2024
    Great flag - always wanted one
    The product is good quality at a great price. And it definitely sends the message to all, reminding everyone what this country was founded on, and it ...More
    The product is good quality at a great price. And it definitely sends the message to all, reminding everyone what this country was founded on, and it is NOT compliant sheeple
    Helpful? 0 0
    August 3, 2020
    Helpful? 0 0
    Adam Z.
    November 26, 2020
    My goto shop for flags
    This is my second flag from SSF and they will be my only stop from now on. The quality is fantastic, shipping is fast, and they are a US based company...More
    This is my second flag from SSF and they will be my only stop from now on. The quality is fantastic, shipping is fast, and they are a US based company!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Judson B.
    January 8, 2021
    I would have liked the
    I would have liked the option of having the flag properly printed on both sides. I realize the cost would be higher of course.
    Helpful? 0 0
    BJ W.
    March 24, 2021
    Gadsden Flag
    Quality is superb. The colors are strong and rich. The stitching is good providing numerous stitches to the inch. The material is of high quality. I a...More
    Quality is superb. The colors are strong and rich. The stitching is good providing numerous stitches to the inch. The material is of high quality. I am glad I found your company. Through my experience in flying flags, I am glad finding your fine company. I am happy to let others know of your company’s high quality workmanship. Thank You!
    Helpful? 0 0
    LYLE P.
    July 1, 2022
    need to make them double
    need to make them double sided
    Helpful? 0 0
    Laurie A.
    September 26, 2022
    This flag is beautiful and
    This flag is beautiful and exactly what I was looking for!
    Helpful? 0 0
    John D.
    October 12, 2022
    Don’t Trend on me
    Beautiful flag, very well made, great color, it hangs high at my home and is subjected to high wind and because of its weight will unfurl itself. Buy ...More
    Beautiful flag, very well made, great color, it hangs high at my home and is subjected to high wind and because of its weight will unfurl itself. Buy it and proudly display it.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Victor Z.
    January 3, 2023
    Great Quality and made ins
    Great Quality and made ins the USA
    Helpful? 0 0
    Scott K.
    February 3, 2023
    Good product, made in America
    Good product, made in America by Americans… prompt service in the flag looks great out front between my two American flags
    Helpful? 0 0
    Richard B.
    July 11, 2023
    They are both great
    This is the second time I have bought both of these flags. The first pair looked good for about a year in-spite of the high winds. I couldn’t be happi...More
    This is the second time I have bought both of these flags. The first pair looked good for about a year in-spite of the high winds. I couldn’t be happier and they are made in the USA.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Sean M.
    September 27, 2023
    Great flag! Well made! Worth dying for . . .
    'Nuff said!
    Helpful? 0 0
    Terry B.
    March 5, 2024
    Exactly what I expected. Will
    Exactly what I expected. Will recomend.
    Helpful? 0 0
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