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How to prevent your Flagpole from rusting

How to Prevent Your Flagpole From Rusting

If you’re planning to display the American flag outdoors, you should take measures to prevent your flagpole from rusting. American flags are almost always displayed on a flagpole outdoors. After mounting your stand-alone flagpole to the ground – or to the side of your home or business using a wall attachment – you can raise the American flag to the top of it. Over time, however, flagpoles can rust. How do you prevent your flagpole from rusting exactly?

The Basics of Rusting and Why It Happens

Rusting is a chemical process that occurs when iron is exposed to oxygen. Oxygen is a catalyst for oxidation. When exposed to oxygen, iron will undergo a chemical change that manifests in the form of rusting.

If your flagpole is made of iron or an iron alloy, it may rust. Iron alloys encompass a wide range of materials. High-carbon steel and stainless steel are both classified as iron alloys. Like all iron alloys, they contain iron. Steel contains other elements, but the presence of iron makes it susceptible to rusting.

Install Under a Sheltered or Covered Area

You can protect your flagpole from rusting by installing it under a sheltered or covered area. As long as it’s covered, your flagpole won’t be directly exposed to the rain. It will still be exposed to the air, as well as moisture in the air, but it will be protected from the rain.

Rain, of course, facilitates rusting. There’s oxygen in rainwater. As rainwater coats your flagpole, it will encourage oxidation which causes it to rust. Installing your flagpole under a sheltered or covered area will keep it dry so that it’s better protected from this phenomenon.

Choose a Brushed Aluminum Flagpole

The material from which your flagpole is made will affect its risk of rusting. As previously mentioned, rust occurs specifically with iron and iron alloys. As long as your flagpole isn’t made of iron, nor does it contain any iron, it shouldn’t rust.

Rather than choosing a steel flagpole, consider choosing a brushed aluminum flagpole. Brushed aluminum flagpoles are made of aluminum. Aluminum is a metallic element, and unlike steel, it doesn’t contain any iron. Brushed aluminum is particularly strong and weather resistant because it features an exterior finish.

Brushed aluminum flagpoles essentially have an aluminum core that’s coated with a thin layer of satin. The satin shields and protects the underlying aluminum from damage. If you’re worried about rusting, choose a brushed aluminum flagpole such as this.

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