It’s important to remember that our soldiers are normal people too. They are out there protecting our country, but they also have dreams, ambitions and hopes that go beyond surviving the day. In the following videos, you’re going to be touched, inspired and awed by the talent and feeling which these hard working soldiers put into their music, and the way they use their music to enrich others in their lives.
Soldiers Join Together, Sing About “Coming Home”
In this incredibly moving video, brought to us by, two American soldiers, Sergeant Richard Scarlett and Staff Sergeant Tyrone Basnight, join the famous English singing group The Soldiers in a beautiful song “Coming Home”, about coming home from the battlefield. The song, which is beautifully performed by these incredibly brave men, is gut wrenching and personal for each of them, and will make you want to see it again and again. That’s why we are posting here for your enjoyment.
This Deployed Father Rounds Up His Fellow Soldiers to Sing His Daughter an Adorable Song
When soldiers are deployed, we often think about them, but sometimes forget about the families they leave behind waiting at home. In this wonderful, heartwarming video posted on, one father finds a fun and beautiful way to cheer his daughter up, who is home waiting for him to return. Getting all of his fellow singing soldiers together to join him made it just that much more touching, and they sounded pretty good together. Watch the full video above.
This Soldier Sings the Most Heartwarming Version of “Hallelujah” You’ll Hear all Season!
Former US Army soldier Paul Leti became a sensation when he took America’s Got Talent by storm. In this article and video posted by Ashley Rego for he sings one of the most beautiful versions of Hallelujah we have ever heard. Taking his cue from the version performed on the Shrek movie, Paul takes us on a musical journey to lift the soul. Singing it in his uniform just adds that much emotion to the feeling he already puts into this song. Enjoy every word in the video above.
Angie Johnson Rolling in the Deep-Military Cover
Darlene Burdsall brings us this fabulous video of some of our finest, performing Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep”. The lead singer is U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Angie Johnson and her Sidewinder band are all part of the 571st Air Force Band, 131st Bomb Wing, Air National Guard. In addition to their military duties, they are also currently deployed as the U.S. Air Forces’ Central Command Band. We’ll be seeing this impressive group doing great things even after their military duties are done. Watch the full video of this great group above.
Patten and Goff – Proud of Who I am
Posted by Patten and Goff, this wonderful video shows the two hard working soldiers taking a bit of time to perform this inspiring song, “Proud of Who I Am”. The song is even more inspiring because both the words and the music were written by the two proudly serving soldiers. We hope you enjoy this video as much as we did.