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Reveille – A Short Film

Created by Brothers’ Ink Productions, Reveille is an award-winning short film that pays tribute to the millions of men and women who have served our nation in the armed forces. Reveille was initially released back in 2004, and since then, it’s been viewed by millions of people on the American Forces Network, Pentagon Channel, GI Film Festival, Google, YouTube, and dozens of other platforms. So, what makes this 10-minute-long film such a massive hit?

Although it features two big-name actors, David Huddleston from The Big Lebowski and James McEachin from Play Misty For Me, Reveille isn’t a big-budget Hollywood movie, nor does it claim to be. The film depicts a rivalry between a retired Army veteran and a retired Navy veteran, both of whom battle one another in an attempt to raise the American flag outside of their residence. Each morning, the two veterans wake up early for the honor of raising the American flag. There’s an undeniable competitive spirit between the Army and Navy, but there’s also a shared honor that brings them together. This is essentially what Reveille is about and why it’s captured the attention of so many people.

Brothers’ Ink Productions published the following synopsis to Reveille on its website:

A Navy Veteran’s daily routine of putting up the flag in a retirement community is interrupted when an Army Veteran moves in across the courtyard. They begin a war of one-upmanship as they fight to beat each other to the flag each morning. Reveille depicts the true-life rivalry between the different divisions of the U.S. Armed Forces and the bond and respect that all Veterans share from having served under one flag.”

Video: Reveille Patriotic American Veteran Tribute

Check out full-length version of Reveille by clicking on the play button above. Brothers’ Ink Productions also sells official Reveille DVDs on its website.

You can show your support for Reveille by signing the online petition at Change.org to make it a part of the National Film Registry (NFR). On the right-hand side of the page, you’ll see an option to enter your name, email address, home address, and your reason for signing the petition. All films selected are preserved in the Library of Congress. As of writing this, the petition needs just 92 more votes.

In addition to Reveille, the Brothers’ Ink Productions have produced the following films:

  • Locker 12 (2014)
  • The Benevolent Byzantine Order of the Nobles of the Enigmatic Oracle (2010)
  • Michael’s Hearing Problem (2007)
  • Bitter Spirits (2007)
  • Dirty Laundry (2007)
  • Suicide Club (2007)
  • Relocation (2007)
  • Joining the Race
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