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The Difference Between a Marine and a Soldier

The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard together constitute the strongest military force the world has ever witnessed and likely ever will. Each branch has specialized units, like the Army Rangers and Navy SEALS, which command immense respect and honor. However, one branch that often stands out is the Marines. These individuals operate in a somewhat distinct league when it comes to combat and overall operations. If you’re curious about the differences between Marines and other soldiers, here are some fascinating facts you should know.

While no branch is better than the other, as each serve a difference purpose with the common goal of protecting the United States, the Marines are one of the most respected branches of any military in the entire world. What makes Marines so different however, and what sets them apart from the traditional soldier we typically thing of in the military? These men think of themselves as the real action takers in any kind of combat or firefight, and they typically are in most cases. Marines go through an insanely intense regiment of preparation and tests just to have the opportunity to join this elite fraternity of military personnel, and you can be sure they do not take any of it lightly.

Aerial picture of Marines

Marines also differ from the traditional soldier, or grunt, in that they are much more technical and proficient in the manner in which they conduct themselves in any kind of battle, as they know they are typically the ones leading the charge, so making mistakes is not an option that ever crosses their mind. Marines are usually a much more aggressive group of military personnel, as you can find them taking charge of either holding off fire from the enemy, or leading an attack on a point they know they need to take over.

All in all, Marines do not differ too much from the Army infantry, a group that usually turns a negative eye toward the Marine Corps, possibly because they do not fully understand this group of specialized fighters. When it comes to the subsets of the Army, such as the Rangers, you will typically find many commonalities between the two, making them both incredibly valuable assets to the military.

While no branch or subgroup is better than another, there are certain ones that seem to carry a little more value and respect than others. The Marine Corps is one of these groups, as you can sleep easy tonight knowing they are protecting your freedoms.

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